About the Journal

A&R International Health Beacon Journal is a magazine of scientific articles that stands out for its monthly frequency in a continuous flow format. The journal welcomes a variety of interdisciplinary manuscripts and research, focused on broad themes such as health, science, technology, education and several other areas of knowledge. Operating under a rigorous double-blind peer review system, our primary objective is to disseminate studies from different academic levels.

Objective and Mission

To encourage the production and publication of scientific research, the mission of A&R International Health Beacon Journal is to promote excellence in the dissemination of interdisciplinary scientific knowledge, contributing to the advancement of human understanding and the improvement of professional practices through the publication of innovative and relevant studies , while promoting academic integrity and diversity of perspectives.


Articles are published monthly online. The continuous flow system is adopted for article submission and publication. For evaluation, the deadline is 5 days, after sending with adjustments or payment, the article is published within 10 days.

Open and free access

The magazine is committed to offering open and free access to its readers, thus promoting the free flow of knowledge and the unrestricted availability of information contained in research.


There is no submission or evaluation fee. Only if approved, there is a fee of R$200.00. Articles have a letter of acceptance, a certificate of publication with an individual DOI.

Terms and ethical conduct

A&R International Health Beacon Journal is committed to high standards of ethical behavior by authors and editors. We follow COPE’s “Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Publications”, available at https://publicationethics.org/.

This magazine is committed to ethics and quality in its publications. Editors have the responsibility to decide which submitted articles will be published, based on the editorial board's policies and respecting laws on defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The evaluation of manuscripts is carried out impartially, considering only intellectual merit and without discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality or political positioning of the authors.

The underlying data must be presented accurately, with sufficient detail and references to allow replication of the study. False or misleading statements are considered unethical and unacceptable. Authors must ensure that their works are original and, when using the work or words of others, they must correctly cite the sources.

Plagiarism, in any form, is unacceptable. The authorship of the article must reflect significant contributions to the study. Everyone who contributed substantially should be listed as co-authors, and other participants should be acknowledged. Authors must ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the article and agreed to its submission. Authors must disclose any conflict of interest that could influence the results or interpretations of the manuscript. All sources of financial support must be mentioned.

Peer Review Process

The magazine works with the double-blind review system, where each article is reviewed by two evaluators. In case of disagreement, the text may be forwarded to a third evaluator.

The author submits the study, which is screened by the editor and sent to the journal's reviewers. The evaluators have a list of evaluation criteria that they must meet for each article sent, sending it back to the editor with an opinion of approved, approved with reservations or denied. . After this process, the editor will reevaluate the study to check if there are possible new adjustments or if the opinion is sent directly to the authors. Then, the authors receive the opinion with comments and can proceed with the payment steps and final adjustments for publication. If authors disagree with the opinions, they must send an email to the journal informing the reasons and justifications.

Plagiarism, copies and adaptations

The CopySpider program is used to assess plagiarism in all submissions. The tolerated similarity is up to 3%, articles with a higher percentage are not accepted. The journal does not accept studies already published in any other type of publication or event.

Experiments with humans and animals

For studies involving human beings, authors must present the approval of the institutional Research Ethics Committee, respecting Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council. Patients must have signed the Free and Informed Consent Form (Termo de Consentimento Livre and Clarified - TCLE), it must be attached to the end of the study.

For studies involving animals, authors must present the process number approved by the institutional Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals (CEUA), following Federal Law nº 11,794/08.

Misconduct, complaints and appeals

We take the issue of research misconduct seriously and are committed to academic integrity. Our editorial board acts rigorously to identify and address any occurrence of misconduct, following the international recommendations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). When misconduct is confirmed, we take the necessary measures, which may include publishing a retraction. Reports must be made through the communication channels in the contact tab. Just like misconduct, complaints must be directed at any time to the magazine's email, the complaint must be correctly directed, whether it belongs to the editorial team, the magazine, the publisher or publications in general.

Authorship, contribution and conflicts of interest

Authors must have actively contributed to the production of the manuscript. Any source of funding must be disclosed, financial or otherwise, as well as conflicts of interest, must be mentioned or exposed to the journal at the time of submission or before publication. A conflict of interest is defined as any personal, professional or financial interest that could influence or introduce bias into the journal's publication process.

Data and reproducibility

In specific cases, it is important that the research can be reproduced correctly, so that it can be replicated, tested and used if possible. We suggest the one recommended by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Equator Network, which provides tools for preparing reports.


At this address, authors will find the guidelines and main types of studies, such as randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, study protocols, etc.

Intellectual property, Copyright, license and privacy

After publication, the magazine has control over the copyright of its articles. All articles are licensed under a Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Author information is used only for the magazine's services and is not shared with third parties.

Privacy statement

Authors are entirely responsible for the content of their articles, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the information presented. Reproduction, in full or in part, of texts is permitted, as long as the original source is duly cited, ensuring appropriate recognition of the work.

The personal information provided, such as names and addresses, will be used exclusively for purposes related to the magazine's services. This information will not be shared with third parties or used for any other purpose, guaranteeing the privacy and security of the data of authors and collaborators. The magazine is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of this information, strictly following data protection guidelines.

By submitting an article, authors agree to transfer copyright to the journal. This agreement allows the magazine to hold the rights to distribute and publish the work, guaranteeing its dissemination and accessibility. If an author decides to withdraw his article after submission, he must inform the journal of his intention not to publish the work.