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How to Cite

Faleiros de Lima, L., Faleiros de Lima, P., & Pereira de Lima, R. (2024). TRAQUEOSTOMIA NA UNIDADE DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA: UMA VISÃO GERAL. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 1(6), 106–113. Retrieved from


INTRODUCTION: The tracheostomy is a surgical procedure performed through an incision in the trachea, in order to establish an airway with an artificial opening through the neck. The use of this intervention is common in the medical field, especially when the upper respiratory tract is compromised. In the reported case, however, tracheostomy is used due to prolonged hospitalization in order to protect the airways and injuries associated with tracheal intubation. OBJECTIVE: To report and inquire a case of tracheostomy in the intensive care unit.  METHODS: Case report of a patient admitted to an intensive care unit, undergoing through tracheostomy. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Prolonged hospitalization, in the ICU environment recommends some measures to be taken in order to preserve the patient’s health and prevent complications. Given the case and condition, the intubation time and prevention of complications, in order to qualify the conduct and compare it with available literature.  CONCLUSION: Despite being considered an invasive surgical intervention, performing a tracheostomy proved to be beneficial for patients admitted to intensive care and mechanical ventilation, presenting favorable clinical outcome given the patient’s inicial condition.

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