Introduction: Gestational diabetes represents a considerable public health challenge in Brazil, particularly within the framework of the Unified Health System (SUS). Access to appropriate treatment varies significantly between urban and rural areas, revealing disparities that undermine the quality of care and the health of both mothers and their infants. Objective: Gestational diabetes represents a considerable public health challenge in Brazil, particularly within the framework of the Unified Health System (SUS). Access to appropriate treatment varies significantly between urban and rural areas, revealing disparities that undermine the quality of care and the health of both mothers and their infants. Methodology: A comprehensive literature analysis was conducted, focusing on empirical studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, framed within a theoretical context of public health and socioeconomic inequalities. Results and Discussion: The key findings suggest that pregnant women in urban areas enjoy better access to healthcare, attributed to greater availability of medical resources and infrastructure that facilitate early diagnosis and effective management of the condition. In contrast, rural areas encounter significant obstacles, including a shortage of healthcare professionals, extensive geographic distances, and insufficient infrastructure, all of which elevate the risk of complications. These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted policies aimed at alleviating these disparities. Conclusion: The adoption of specific public policies, along with investments in infrastructure and training programs, is crucial to bridging the gap in healthcare access between urban and rural areas, ensuring that all pregnant women with gestational diabetes receive the care they need.
Keywords: Gestational diabetes; Health Inequities; Unified Health System.
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