Dermatology and Lifestyle: Impact of Diet and Environmental Factors on Skin Health
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Boiba Rodrigues da cunha, Ítalo íris, de Oliveira Baptista Savariego, B., Natasha Batilieri Rodrigues, N., Matos Pereira, R. R., de Souza Chaves Macedo, A., Batista do Valle, K. C., … Elanã Soares Alencar, I. (2025). Dermatology and Lifestyle: Impact of Diet and Environmental Factors on Skin Health. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 2(1), 41–57. Retrieved from


Introduction: Skin health is influenced by several factors, including diet, lifestyle, environmental exposure and systemic conditions. These factors can directly affect skin function and appearance, contributing to premature aging and the emergence of dermatological diseases. Objectives: Analyze the influence of dietary, environmental and lifestyle factors on skin health, addressing their implications for skin aging and the development of dermatological diseases.

Methodology: To collect data, several repositories were consulted, including the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature database (LILACS). The research involved the analysis of a wide range of sources, such as scientific articles, dissertations, theses, monographs and specialized journals, with the aim of gathering pertinent and updated information on the topic under study. Furthermore, prominent studies and publications in the area were considered, ensuring the quality and scope of the data collected. Results and Discussions: It has been observed that a diet rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamins and antioxidants, contributes significantly to skin health, preventing premature aging and improving hydration. On the other hand, factors such as unprotected sun exposure, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can impair skin function, accelerating the aging process and increasing the propensity for conditions such as acne and dermatitis. Innovative therapies, such as the use of topical antioxidants and dermatonutrition, have shown promise in improving skin health, integrating external and internal care. Conclusion: Integrating a balanced diet, appropriate topical care and a healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining skin health. The adoption of preventive strategies, such as sun protection and hydration, together with new innovative therapies, offers an effective approach to combat skin aging and prevent dermatological diseases.

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