The Role of Public Health in Promoting Social Equity
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How to Cite

Nascimento Arçari, C., Alcantara Lemos, T., Coura Nardy , L., Cabral Franco, V., Keulys dos Santos Silva, C., Clara Silva Capanema , A., … Amanda Pereira Marques, I. (2024). The Role of Public Health in Promoting Social Equity. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 1(4), 318–329. Retrieved from


This study analyzes the challenges and opportunities in implementing health equity policies, focusing on community participation and social innovation. Health equity is crucial to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have equal access to health services. The research was conducted through a narrative literature review, using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO, and Lilacs. Articles addressing health equity, community participation, and social innovation in the context of public health policies were included. The analysis revealed that social determinants of health, such as education, income, and access to services, play a fundamental role in promoting or perpetuating inequalities. Active community participation in the planning and implementation of health policies is essential to ensure that interventions are culturally appropriate and effective. Furthermore, social innovation, particularly through the use of new technologies and cross-sector collaboration, proves to be a promising strategy to overcome barriers to health access. It is concluded that promoting health equity depends on an intersectoral and innovative approach capable of integrating local needs and promoting social inclusion.

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