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Depressive Disorder
Treatment. Emerging

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Letícia Dall Agnol, T., Fontenele Albuquerque Lourenço , G., Pagani Buisa Berssane, N., Vitória da Silva Bandeira, K., Teixeira Castelo , J., Kelly Nogueira Felício, S., … Silton Andrade Portella Filho, C. (2024). DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER: A LITERATURE REVIEW. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 1(4), 424–434. Retrieved from https://healthbeaconjournal.com/index.php/ihbj/article/view/66


Introduction: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a prevalent psychiatric condition characterized by a complex variety of symptoms and diagnostic challenges, making it one of the leading causes of global disability. The diversity of clinical manifestations and the absence of specific biomarkers hinder diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy. Objective: This article aims to review recent literature on the diagnosis and management of MDD, focusing on therapeutic innovations and the importance of multidisciplinary approaches. Methods: A systematic search of the scientific literature was conducted, covering the period from 2009 to 2024, using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Original studies and reviews addressing the diagnosis and management of MDD were included, with a total of 45 articles analyzed qualitatively. Results and Discussion: The review revealed significant advances in the diagnosis of MDD, including the potential use of biomarkers and neuropsychological assessments. In therapeutic management, new pharmacological approaches, such as glutamate modulators, and psychosocial therapies, such as third-wave Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, stand out. The importance of psychosocial interventions and multidisciplinary management was emphasized as fundamental for the effective treatment of MDD, considering the social and environmental factors that influence the course of the disease. Conclusion: The review concludes that improving diagnostic methods and personalizing treatment are essential for better clinical outcomes in MDD. The integration of pharmacological and psychosocial approaches, along with multidisciplinary strategies, is crucial for more effective and holistic management of MDD, with further research needed to optimize these practices in clinical settings.

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