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Diabetes. Doença renal. Pediatria.

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Campanharo, L., Torino Garcia , A., Carnevale Migliozzi, A., Martins Soares Santos, B., Allison Moreira Tavares, D., Bonadio Gonçalves, F., … Luisa Duarte Moura, L. (2024). CREATININA SÉRICA E TAXA DE FILTRAÇÃO GLOMERULAR PELA EQUAÇÃO CKID EM CRIANÇAS E ADOLESCENTES COM DM1: ESTUDO OBSERVACIONAL. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 1(5), 40–48. Retrieved from


The increase in the use of electronic devices among children and adolescents has raised significant concerns about its impact on mental health, particularly in the development of anxiety. This study reviews the existing literature on the relationship between excessive screen time and anxiety in children, using a systematic approach to analyze various studies published between 2010 and 2023. To conduct this literature review, a systematic search was performed in academic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, using keywords like "screen time," "child anxiety," "electronic device use," and "child development." Studies published between 2010 and 2023 that addressed the relationship between screen use and anxiety in children were included. The inclusion criteria considered peer-reviewed articles, longitudinal studies, cross-sectional studies, and systematic reviews. Data were extracted and analyzed focusing on the methods, samples, main findings, and limitations of the studies. The aim is to identify the main risk factors and mitigation strategies associated with screen use. The results show a positive correlation between excessive screen time and increased levels of anxiety, highlighting that passive screen activities, such as watching television, have a more significant impact than interactive activities. Furthermore, parental supervision and limiting screen time are crucial strategies to mitigate these negative effects. The review underscores the importance of targeted interventions that promote balanced technology use, including promoting physical activities and educating parents about the potential risks of excessive screen use. It concludes that effective strategies are necessary to reduce screen time and protect the mental health of children in an increasingly digital world.

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