Introduction: Retinoblastoma is the most common eye cancer in children, caused mainly by mutations in the RB1 gene. Although genetically determined, its manifestation can be influenced by environmental factors, such as radiation and exposure to toxic substances, especially in genetically predisposed individuals. Objectives: Explore the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors in pediatric retinoblastoma, with an emphasis on implications for early diagnosis and the development of personalized therapeutic approaches.
Methodology: To obtain data, resources from the following repositories were used: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). A variety of sources, including scientific articles, monographs and journals, were examined to extract pertinent information on the subject. Results and Discussions: Studies on the interaction between genetic and environmental factors in retinoblastoma show that although the mutation in the RB1 gene is the main cause of the disease, environmental factors, such as exposure to ionizing radiation and chemical agents, also play an important role, especially in children. genetically predisposed. Conclusion: The interaction between genetic and environmental factors in retinoblastoma is crucial to understanding its pathogenesis and improving the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Knowledge about mutations in the RB1 gene, combined with the identification of environmental factors, enables more effective strategies for early diagnosis and prevention, as well as personalized treatments that improve prognosis and preserve vision. Continuing to explore this interaction is essential to optimize therapeutic approaches and ensure better long-term outcomes for affected children.
Keywords: Infantile retinoblastoma. Malignant tumor. Early diagnosis. Treatment. Prognosis.
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