Syphilis, an infection caused by Treponema pallidum and primarily transmitted through sexual or vertical routes, has a high incidence in the Northern region of Brazil, particularly in Amazonas. Adverse socioeconomic factors and a lack of sexual education contribute to this prevalence. This study aims to analyze the morbidity and mortality of syphilis in the Northern region, with an emphasis on the state of Amazonas, between 2018 and 2023, investigating the factors influencing infection rates and their outcomes. The study employs a descriptive and retrospective epidemiological approach, based on data extracted from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) and the Hospital Information System (SIH), through the DataSUS platform. Notifications, hospitalizations, and deaths due to syphilis in the state of Amazonas from 2018 to 2023 were analyzed, with comparisons between the capital, Manaus, and interior municipalities, such as Manacapuru and Itacoatiara. The data indicate a high prevalence of syphilis in Amazonas, especially in Manaus, which recorded the highest rates of acquired, congenital, and pregnant women cases between 2018 and 2023, with a total of 18,796 acquired syphilis cases. Manacapuru and Itacoatiara also reported significant incidences. The persistence of syphilis in the region is strongly influenced by limited access to healthcare services and adverse socioeconomic factors. The predominance of congenital and pregnant women cases in Manaus highlights the need for more effective public policies aimed at the prevention and treatment of this infection. Syphilis remains a public health concern in Manaus, with higher rates than those recorded in the interior municipalities, reflecting barriers to healthcare access and a lack of sexual education. These results underscore the urgency of integrated control strategies that expand access to healthcare services and strengthen educational campaigns focused on prevention and early diagnosis.
Keywords: Syphilis; Socioeconomic Factors; Amazonas; Manacapuru; Public Health; DataSUS.
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