Epidemiological characterization of mortality from stroke in Brazil from 2013 to 2022
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Brasil; Epidemiologia; Acidente Vascular Cerebral; Mortalidade.

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Santos, N. S. S., Almeida Júnior , A. A. de, Lacerda, J. P. R., Tonholo , L. do C., Martins, M. F., Soares , M. L. C. F., … Gontijo , M. K. B. (2024). Epidemiological characterization of mortality from stroke in Brazil from 2013 to 2022. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 1(4), 63–76. Retrieved from https://healthbeaconjournal.com/index.php/ihbj/article/view/24


Introduction: Stroke is a critical medical condition that manifests when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted, leading to brain damage. Objective: To describe the socio-epidemiological profile of stroke mortality in Brazil, during the period from 2013 to 2022. Methodology: This is an epidemiological time series study with a quantitative approach. To carry out the study, a survey of secondary data available from DATASUS was carried out, from the SIM subsection. Descriptive data analysis was performed using absolute (N) and relative frequency (%). To perform the data analysis, Microsoft Excel 2019 was used, in which the results were organized in tables and presented in the form of graphs. Results and discussion: Between 2013 and 2021, Brazil recorded 298,937 deaths from stroke, with variations in annual mortality. The maximum peak occurred in 2016, with 32,308 deaths, reflecting possible changes in the prevalence of risk factors and the quality of medical care, while the minimum peak was in 2018, with 27,142 deaths, suggesting improvements in prevention and treatment strategies. A general downward trend in mortality was observed until 2018, followed by a slight increase in subsequent years. Regionally, the Southeast Region had the highest mortality rate (38.32% of the total), while the Central-West Region had the lowest rate (5.07%). In terms of age group, mortality was highest among people aged 80 or over (42.70%) and lowest among young people aged 20 to 29 (0.28%). The analysis also revealed significant racial and educational disparities, with the highest mortality rate among the illiterate (33.27%) and the lowest among those with 12 years of education or more (3.08%). A slight male predominance in stroke mortality (51.01%) was also observed, highlighting the need for continuous and adaptive strategies to improve stroke prevention and treatment in Brazil. Conclusion: The need to focus on modifiable risk factors and restructuring health services is evident to reduce stroke mortality. The use of advanced technologies and targeted interventions can improve health outcomes.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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