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Hipertensão; Diabetes Mellitus; Saúde; População; Autocuidado

How to Cite

Campos, B. L., Dias Zapula, A. C., de Oliveira Bertolin, A. F., Ferreira ladeira, A. L., Lauany Lobo da Silva , J., Maia, J. J. S., … Fabrícia Silva Lopes, B. (2025). HIPERDIA: DESCOMPLICANDO HIPERTENSÃO E DIABETES EM SÃO JOÃO DEL REI - MG: UM RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA. A.R International Health Beacon Journal (ISSN 2966-2168), 2(1), 225–231. Retrieved from https://healthbeaconjournal.com/index.php/ihbj/article/view/235


The text highlights the importance of the Basic Health Unit (UBS) in Primary Health Care (PHC) and mentions the National Program for Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus (HIPERDIA), which aims to offer follow-up and treatment for patients with hypertension and diabetes. The use of Popular Health Education (PHE) is highlighted, as it is a strategy to involve the community in health promotion. A practical example is presented, where students from the 2nd period of the Medicine course at the Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves University Center (UNIPTAN) develop the project "HIPERDIA: uncomplicating hypertension and diabetes", holding weekly meetings in a UBS located in Tejuco, in São João Del Rei/MG, where dynamic and practical activities were carried out to measure blood pressure and blood glucose,  in addition to the approach of lectures on topics such as: healthy eating, physical activity, consequences of diseases and emotional aspects. The experience provided a mutual exchange of experiences between students and users of the UBS, encouraging critical thinking and highlighting the importance of an ethical and welcoming approach. Progress was observed in the target community, reflected in greater participation and adherence to knowledge about hypertension, diabetes and self-care, contributing to the social growth of all. The importance of a care practice that values the users' previous knowledge, based on the formation of bonds and trust, was highlighted.

PDF (Português (Brasil))


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